Cadmium Christ…”they know not what they do”

(click for full image)

1991, 30 x 50 inches, acrylic on canvas, Livonia, Michigan studio.

This is the last painting in the 9-piece Habitat Series. I used cadmium paint—which is a poisonous pigment—to further emphasize the theme of this series, and a depiction of a crucified Christ to accentuate the murderous actions of the world in not addressing various kinds of pollution. The selection of using such an image was because the lust for money and power, not unlike the Pharisees fear of losing their influence and hate of Christ, is the motive in nothing being done worldwide to address the things being done to destroy the planet. Saying America is doing thing is deception, for doing anything further here does not begin to offset what is still happening in places like India and China. It is important to know that I did all of these paintings before I became a saved—Born Again—Christian, and know that this is literally a world without end. The pollution is still poisoning the planet and people today, but that will all end upon Christ’s victorious return to end the Battle of Armageddon in what appears to be the very fast approaching 7 years of Tribulation that will follow the Rapture of the Church, which will remove all truly saved Saints (John 3:3,7) to be with the Lord, avoiding the worst days in the history of mankind, Matthew 24:21.

Original artwork is in a private collection of a church where I was baptized, after becoming genuinely born again on July 10th 1996.

If interested in purchasing a custom print, please feel free to reach out to me, here.


HOMOSUPREMACIST (Sh*t for brains)


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