Father, Son and Spirit (series)
Father - 1993, 20 x 24 inches, iridescent modeling paste, acrylic paint, and glass mirror on canvas. St. Charles Studio, Detroit, Michigan.
Son - 1993 12 x 14 inches, iridescent modeling paste, acrylic paint, and glass mirror on canvas. St. Charles Studio, Detroit, Michigan.
Spirit - 1993, 12 x 14 inches, iridescent modeling paste, acrylic paint, and glass mirror on canvas. St. Charles Studio, Detroit, Michigan.
This triptych is meant to depict the Holy Trinity. Although I have distorted the mirrors so one cannot clearly see their image, the idea is when one is saved (Born Again, John 3:2-7) they are one with the Triune God: God the Father, Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit. I used iridescent paint hoping to capture and relate the fact that these are powerful, glorious and perfect beings unlike any others in existence. Of course, I failed, but it is an interpretation I created 30 years ago, 3 years before I became genuinely saved. God was planting seeds in my journey to salvation.
Originals available, priced at $1,300USD for the set of 3 artworks
If interested in purchasing this original artwork as a set, or custom prints, please feel free to reach out to me, here.