Just, Jack (Kevorkian)

(click for full image)

1993, 48 x 60 x 2 inches, oil and oil bar on canvas with painted edges. St. Charles studio, Detroit, Michigan.

Jack was on trial in Detroit for assisting in the suicide of Thomas Hyde in August 1993. That trial was the impetus for this painting, as it took place only a couple of miles from my Detroit studio. I felt compelled to do this piece.

I was contacted and invited to hang the painting in the lobby of the Penobscot Building in downtown Detroit in the Spring of 1994, by the man who oversaw such things. Although controversial, as Jack was still on trial only a few blocks away, it made sense that this was the perfect painting to hang. It was hung next to the elevated security desk in the main lobby and was illuminated by directional spotlights. It was awesome! It was the first thing one saw upon entering the building, that had many law firms as tenants.

Sadly for me, the senior partner of a firm who occupied an entire floor of the building took great offense when, leaving from work that day, he saw the piece and demanded it be removed or he stated he would “remove my firm from the building.” At least, that is what I was told when I stopped by to view my work a few days later with a friend and found it was no longer hanging. It had been removed and placed in a janitorial closet! I followed up and the law firm only shared that they felt it was inappropriate for my work to be hanging for public view while Jack was still on trial. I maintained it was censorship. Their attitude was what are you going to do about it? Not having any regular income at that time my only choice was to go to The Detroit News. The story appeared in the paper a few days later and the law firm postulated that this was all a publicity stunt for my work and reputation. They turned it into that, but my goal was simply exposure, that was reasonable considering I didn’t seek the venue, but was invited to display the piece. I took the painting back to my studio and it was only exhibited once again, in Georgia.

Jack was acquitted in May, 1994. 

Original available, priced at $12,000USD

If interested in purchasing this original artwork or a custom print, please feel free to reach out to me, here.


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