Red Bridge

(click for full image)

1992, 48 X 60 inches, acrylic and pumice stone on canvas. Franklin, Michigan, studio.

This was my first abstract piece, and was painted outdoors on a grassy knoll overlooking a private lake, where I briefly had a second studio in Franklin, Michigan. It was where I first used different types of tools to apply the paint in addition to brushes. It was exhibited in the Michigan Design Center, Michigan Gallery, Urban Park Gallery and in my own homes for thirty years. Beyond having great sentimental value, it was a milestone piece for me artistically, for I had formally created only representational and surreal paintings. I have kept it all of these years because it is a transitional piece that opened my mind to exploring other areas and techniques of painting. It is also powerful and creates a dynamic area of interest wherever it hangs. The reason it is for sale now, as with my entire body of this work, is I am old and ready to share it with others.

Original available, priced at $5,600USD

If interested in purchasing this original artwork or a custom print, please feel free to reach out to me, here.


Death Wish (Habitat#8)


Promises, Promises