Acid Rain and The Holy Trinity

(click for full image)

1992, 36 x 48 inches, acrylic on Linen. St. Charles studio, Detroit, Michigan.

This was one of my many paintings dealing with our environment.  This piece represents the Holy Trinity: Eagle as the Father, the Egg as Christ and the multi-colored silhouette as Holy Spirit. The egg falling rapidly through space, in addition to being symbolic of Christ, implies impending destruction—but there is time to prevent it. God gave us an incredibly beautiful place to live, and we have done all we could to mess it up. This is simply a perspective addressing destruction of nature, suggested by the blurred green areas behind the circling eagle portraying his flight.

Original available, priced at $4,500USD

If interested in purchasing this original artwork or a custom print, please feel free to reach out to me, here.


Promises, Promises


Holy Water