Holy Water
(click image to enlarge)
1992, 30 x 72 inches, acrylic on canvas with painted edges. St. Charles studio, Detroit, Michigan.
Without Christ, everyone is lost and dying of thirst. This piece uses the desert as a metaphor. The green hands signifying life, crawling and clawing one’s way through the dry, parched landscape which signifies being lost, suffering, and dying of (spiritual) thirst. The invisible hand is symbolic of the Holy Spirit, who is always with and ready to guide anyone who is genuinely Born Again. The falling egg represents the impending doom and a destroyed life for those who remain lost (souls), but it has not yet been smashed, so hope remains. The image of a man at the top the the water fountain (the shape of which encompasses the landscape) is Moses, and the water coming out of the fountain represents when he struck a rock to obtain life-saving water for him and his people as they wandered in the desert.
Are you still wandering, or have you found the Holy Water of Life?
Original available, priced at $4,500USD
If interested in purchasing this original artwork or a custom print, please feel free to reach out to me, here.