Blood, Sweat and Tears (Oklahoma bombing)
(click for full image)
1995, 48 x 60 x 1.5 inches, acrylic, newspaper, magazine, ink marker and wax crayon on American Flag on canvas, Suwanee, Georgia studio.
Commemorating an American tragedy. It remains the worst act of homegrown terrorism in our nation’s history: 168 souls lost, including 19 children with several hundred more injured. It is a painting with many details, but the fireman holding the child’s limp body (located in the flag) is perhaps one of the most heart wrenching. This is a memorial to those who were there, as such the newspaper articles and picture of McVeigh are there, but not clearly seen. This isn’t about the terrorist. It is about those that died and those that survived this tragic event.
Original available, priced at $4,900USD
If interested in purchasing this original artwork or a custom print, please feel free to reach out to me, here.