(click for full image)
1996, 48 x 60 x 1.5 inches, acrylic on canvas with painted edges, Suwanee, Georgia studio.
Depiction of Eve about to pick the infamous apple in the Garden of Eden. This painting has many different pieces of symbolism, like the “apple” hanging from the tail of the snake, which flows from the picture frame disguising who he is, over the top of the canvas and down through the tree branches. The plants are waving a warning, while in the upper left we see the Cross where Christ will pay for mankind’s sins, going back to this original sin that resulted in Adam and Eve being cast out of the garden. There is an infinity symbol sitting upon a branch on the top left too, and signifies Christ’s future sacrifice as being sufficient for all sin, for those who will accept His sacrificial death and resurrection. Eve’s hand looks like a pitchfork, signifying the pain her disobedient action is about to place upon mankind, Virtually all of the foreground is painted with a plastic fork dipped in the paint.
Original available, priced at $4,500USD
If interested in purchasing this original artwork or a custom print, please feel free to reach out to me, here.