There he goes, again. (Jimmy Carter)
(click for full image)
1994, 48 x 60 x 1.5 inches, acrylic, and toner printed acetate on canvas with painted edges, Suwanee, Georgia studio.
This was one of two pieces I did related to Jimmy Carter, while I was living, painting and exhibiting in Georgia. Ronald W. Reagan followed Jimmy Carter as President in 1981. During his campaign, he was fond of using the phrase. “There he goes, again”, when referring to Carter. Democrats, of which I was one until 1996, believed he was a much better alternative than Gerald Ford who was in office until Carter won, and was inaugurated in 1977. Jimmy was portrayed as being a good ol’ boy, but he was a also a graduate of Annapolis, a decorated naval officer, and had political experience as both a Georgia state senator, and governor of Georgia. He was also known to be a Born Again man of deep faith, who put God and country first. The time was ripe for this man to be elected. This piece shows him walking on water as a Christ figure. The initials of “JC” are upon his chest representing both the mistaken idea that he was a savior, as well as his initials. The environment is one of beauty and calm (political) waters. The Dove represents the Holy Spirit, who has a ribbon of blue, signifying peace, in His mouth, and hints of the Iranian hostage crisis. Carter was quoted as saying, “Before God and my fellow citizens, I wanted to exert every ounce of my strength and ability during these last few days to achieve their liberation.” The hostages became airborne for home at 12:33 PM, the first hour of Reagan’s presidency, January 20, 1981.
Original available, priced at $4,500USD
If interested in purchasing this original artwork or a custom print, please feel free to reach out to me, here.