Visionary for Peace (Jimmy Carter)
(click for full image)
1994, 48 x 66 x 2 inches, acrylic on canvas with painted edges, Suwanee, Georgia studio.
This is the second painting I did of our 39th president after moving to Georgia. It addresses him negotiating peace between Israel and Egypt in March 1979, which was the most positive aspect of his administration. Hollywood—specifically Ronald Reagan—defeated him in 1980 primarily over the Iran hostage crisis, signified by the hands gripping the stripes (bars) of his shirt. All in all he did the best he could and that is signified by the doves reflected in his eyes. He wasn’t one of the best presidents in our history, but the man genuinely cared—more than all of his contemporary associates did—for our country.
Original available, priced at $3,500USD
If interested in purchasing this original artwork or a custom print, please feel free to reach out to me, here.